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Beginner Block 1.

Beginner Block 1.
MATERIAL Acceso al contenido de los cursos mediante la Plataforma virtual o Campus On-Line de Formación Educa, Total Libertad de Horarios, Tutor Especializado,... Seguir leyendo


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Descripción del Curso


Acceso al contenido de los cursos mediante la Plataforma virtual o Campus On-Line de Formación Educa, Total Libertad de Horarios, Tutor Especializado, Servicios de Tutorías a Distancia y Sistema Multimedia.


El curso va dirigido tanto a profesionales como a otros colectivos que deseen una formación en nuevas e interesantes materias de estudio, enriqueciendo su propio conocimiento y ampliando sus dimensiones profesionales.
El pago del curso se realiza por transferencia bancaria y lleva incluido los gastos para la Certificación Acreditativa de finalización de la actividad.

Descripción: The student will learn the personal pronouns, how to conjugate the present simple, the alphabet, how to ask questions and give information, to talk about daily routines, how to order food or buy clothes, and so on. [TRANSLATED] El alumno aprenderá los pronombres personales, como conjugar el presente simple, el alfabeto, cómo hacer preguntas y dar información, hablar sobre rutinas diarias, como pedir comida o comprar ropa, etc.


English Beginners Block 1
In this level the student will learn the personal pronouns, how to conjugate the present simple, the alphabet, how to ask questions and give information, to talk about daily routines, how to order food or buy clothes, and so on. [TRANSLATED] En este nivel el alumno aprenderá los pronombres personales, como conjugar el presente simple, el alfabeto, cómo hacer preguntas y dar información, hablar sobre rutinas diarias, como pedir comida o comprar ropa, etc.

1. Greetings Part 1
Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names.
Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet.
Vocabulary: Greetings.

2. Greetings Part 2
Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names.
Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet.
Vocabulary: Greetings.

3. Greetings Part 3
Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names.
Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet.
Vocabulary: Greetings.

4. Happy birthday! Part 1
Functions: Introducing people. Asking about people’s age. Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10.
Grammar: Verb To Be (short form)
Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

5. Happy birthday! Part 2
Functions: Introducing people. Asking about people’s age. Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10.
Grammar: Verb To Be (short form)
Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

6. Happy birthday! Part 3
Functions: Introducing people. Asking about people’s age. Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10.
Grammar: Verb To Be (short form)
Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

7. Meeting new people Part 1
Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information.
Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet
Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

8. Meeting new people Part 2
Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information.
Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet
Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

9. Meeting new people Part 3
Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information.
Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet
Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

10. In the party Part 1
Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people.
Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this /
Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

11. In the party Part 2
Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people.
Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this /
Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

12. In the party Part 3
Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people.
Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this /
Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

13. Megan´s job. Her first day Part 1
Functions: Expressing possession. Asking and telling the time. Indicating closeness or distance.
Describing pictures.
Grammar: There is / There are. Demonstratives: this / these / that / those. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Also / too. Possessive adjectives. The 's case.
Vocabulary: Days of the week. Parts of the day. Numbers from 0 to 12.

14. Megan´s job. Her first day Part 2
Functions: Expressing possession. Asking and telling the time. Indicating closeness or distance.
Describing pictures.
Grammar: There is / There are. Demonstratives: this / these / that / those. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Also / too. Possessive adjectives. The 's case.
Vocabulary: Days of the week. Parts of the day. Numbers from 0 to 12.

15. Megan´s job. Her first day Part 3
Functions: Expressing possession. Asking and telling the time. Indicating closeness or distance.
Describing pictures.
Grammar: There is / There are. Demonstratives: this / these / that / those. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Also / too. Possessive adjectives. The 's case.
Vocabulary: Days of the week. Parts of the day. Numbers from 0 to 12.

16. Talking about themselves Part 1
Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form)
Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

17. Talking about themselves Part 2
Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form)
Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

18. Talking about themselves Part 3
Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form)
Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

19. Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 1
Functions: Talking about daily routine.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually,
sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

20. Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 2
Functions: Talking about daily routine.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually,
sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

21. Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 3
Functions: Talking about daily routine.
Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually,
sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

22. A table for two, please! Part 1
Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

23. A table for two, please! Part 2
Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

24. A table for two, please! Part 3
Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

25. The typical english housewife Part 1

26. The typical english housewife Part 2

This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.