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Upper - Intermediate Block 10.

Upper - Intermediate Block 10.
MATERIAL Acceso al contenido de los cursos mediante la Plataforma virtual o Campus On-Line de Formación Educa, Total Libertad de Horarios, Tutor Especializado,... Seguir leyendo


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Descripción del Curso


Acceso al contenido de los cursos mediante la Plataforma virtual o Campus On-Line de Formación Educa, Total Libertad de Horarios, Tutor Especializado, Servicios de Tutorías a Distancia y Sistema Multimedia.


El curso va dirigido tanto a profesionales como a otros colectivos que deseen una formación en nuevas e interesantes materias de estudio, enriqueciendo su propio conocimiento y ampliando sus dimensiones profesionales.
El pago del curso se realiza por transferencia bancaria y lleva incluido los gastos para la Certificación Acreditativa de finalización de la actividad.

Descripción The student will do a consolidation of the main verbs in English of the present, the past and the future, at the same time you will learn how to describe physically a person with detail, according to his age and the physical qualities which he owns. The student also find the description which is made of the theatre very interesting. [TRANSLATED] El alumno revisará los principales verbos en inglés del presente, pasado y el futuro, a la vez que aprenderás cómo describir detalladamente a una persona físicamente según la edad que tenga, y las cualidades físicas que posea. También encontrará muy interesante la descripción que se hace del teatro.


English Upper-Intermediate Block 10
In this block, you will do a consolidation of the main verbs in English of the present, the past and the future, at the same time you will learn how to describe physically a person with detail, according to his age and the physical qualities which he owns. You will also find the description which is made of the theatre very interesting. [TRANSLATED] En este bloque, vas a hacer una revisión de los principales verbos en inglés del presente, pasado y el futuro, a la vez que aprenderás cómo describir detalladamente a una persona físicamente según la edad que tenga, y las cualidades físicas que posea. También encontrarás muy interesante la descripción que se hace del teatro.

1. Starting out the theatre group I Part 1
Grammar: Tense review: present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, future tenses. Different uses of To get.
Vocabulary: Phrasal verb get. Non-verbal communication. Language learning.

2. Starting out the theatre group I Part 2
Grammar: Tense review: present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, future tenses. Different uses of To get.
Vocabulary: Phrasal verb get. Non-verbal communication. Language learning.

3. Starting out the theatre group I Part 3
Grammar: Tense review: present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, future tenses. Different uses of To get.
Vocabulary: Phrasal verb get. Non-verbal communication. Language learning.

4. Starting out the theatre group II Part 1
Functions: Expressing action before a time in the past. Expressing action in progress before a time in the past. Talking about past habits. Expressing action finished in the past. Giving dates.
Grammar: Past simple vs. Past continuous. Present perfect simple vs. Present perfect continuous. Used to/ would for past habits. Dates.
Vocabulary: Politics. Past experiences.

5. Starting out the theatre group II Part 2
Functions: Expressing action before a time in the past. Expressing action in progress before a time in the past. Talking about past habits. Expressing action finished in the past. Giving dates.
Grammar: Past simple vs. Past continuous. Present perfect simple vs. Present perfect continuous. Used to/ would for past habits. Dates.
Vocabulary: Politics. Past experiences.

6. Starting out the theatre group II Part 3
Functions: Expressing action before a time in the past. Expressing action in progress before a time in the past. Talking about past habits. Expressing action finished in the past. Giving dates.
Grammar: Past simple vs. Past continuous. Present perfect simple vs. Present perfect continuous. Used to/ would for past habits. Dates.
Vocabulary: Politics. Past experiences.

7. Starting out the theatre group III Part 1
Functions: Expressing duration. Talking about experiences. Expressing unfinished past activities &
present result of past activities.
Grammar: Present perfect + often, still, yet, already, just, ... Present perfect continuous. Prepositions. The article the.
Vocabulary: Geographical names & Location reference. Theatre. Letters to the editor.

8. Starting out the theatre group III Part 2
Functions: Expressing duration. Talking about experiences. Expressing unfinished past activities &
present result of past activities.
Grammar: Present perfect + often, still, yet, already, just, ... Present perfect continuous. Prepositions. The article the.
Vocabulary: Geographical names & Location reference. Theatre. Letters to the editor.

9. Starting out the theatre group III Part 3
Functions: Expressing duration. Talking about experiences. Expressing unfinished past activities &
present result of past activities.
Grammar: Present perfect + often, still, yet, already, just, ... Present perfect continuous. Prepositions. The article the.
Vocabulary: Geographical names & Location reference. Theatre. Letters to the editor.

10. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 1
Functions: Offering to do something. Suggesting doing something. Making promises. Taking sudden decisions. Making predictions.
Grammar: Uses of will & shall. Future continuous. Future perfect. By then, by the time, ...
Vocabulary: Science. Synonyms. Antonyms.

11. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 2
Functions: Offering to do something. Suggesting doing something. Making promises. Taking sudden decisions. Making predictions.
Grammar: Uses of will & shall. Future continuous. Future perfect. By then, by the time, ...
Vocabulary: Science. Synonyms. Antonyms.

12. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 3
Functions: Offering to do something. Suggesting doing something. Making promises. Taking sudden decisions. Making predictions.
Grammar: Uses of will & shall. Future continuous. Future perfect. By then, by the time, ...
Vocabulary: Science. Synonyms. Antonyms.

13. An invitation to the local press Part 1
Functions: Making general and specific descriptions. Talking about family resemblance.
Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound adjectives. Family resemblance: look alike.
Vocabulary: Age: teenager, middle-aged, adult, ... Parts of the body. Compound adjectives. Adjectives.

14. An invitation to the local press Part 2
Functions: Making general and specific descriptions. Talking about family resemblance.
Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound adjectives. Family resemblance: look alike.
Vocabulary: Age: teenager, middle-aged, adult, ... Parts of the body. Compound adjectives. Adjectives.

15. An invitation to the local press Part 3
Functions: Making general and specific descriptions. Talking about family resemblance.
Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound adjectives. Family resemblance: look alike.
Vocabulary: Age: teenager, middle-aged, adult, ... Parts of the body. Compound adjectives. Adjectives.

16. The first performance Part 1
17. The first performance Part 2
18. The first performance Part 3

This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.