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Skills for the Creation of a Public and Political Image

Skills for the Creation of a Public and Political Image
EL CURSO ES PRESENCIAL Y SE IMPARTE EN MADRID En colaboración con Suffolk University PRESENTATION The communication media and television in particular,... Seguir leyendo


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Descripción del Curso


En colaboración con Suffolk University


The communication media and television in particular, help construct our definition of society today. This is why it is so important to stand out in the market via the creation of an image. This reality is well known by companies and institutions, who as a result contract the services of image consultants.

The novel feature of this course lies in covering not only how the communication media work to create an image, but also in understanding how our brain works given a variety of internal and external stimuli .This knowledge helps to teach us how to improve our projection of a particular identity.


The course is directed at undergraduate or graduate University students, particularly those who come from the disciplines of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Publicity and Public Relations and from Sociology. It is also designed for professionals who work in the area of image creation, be it for a brand or company, or consultancy work in political marketing.


The main objective of the course is to facilitate an understanding or knowledge that will in turn allow the student to work towards the complex creation of a personal image, either public or political. This knowledge is in fact imperative for any citizen of today’s so called computer age.
The course analyses the development of mental images that control our thought processes and behaviour, and which even build stereotypes. These in turn control our decisions and actions.
The class will focus on how an image that an individual has of a company, an institution, a political party or its candidate is constructed, essentially analysing the creation of a public image.
The world of images is a combination of perceptions, experiences and impressions. Today many of these elements can be fabricated using technology and then transmitted via the communication media. An in-depth knowledge of the techniques used to achieve this is imperative for any good communicator.


The course will have an interdisciplinary character and continuous evolution. It will be composed of both theoretical explanations and the presentation of case studies, for which the active participation of the student is essential.


For being a summer course, the daily assistance will be valued overall as well as the cooperation in the practical classes. As the modules are independent between them, the assistance to one of them will not be taking into account of the rest.

MODULES (each module is equivalent to 1.5 ECTs credits)

I. The creation of a public image in companies, institutions, products or brands.

II. The creation of a public image in the individual. The construction of identity in a leader.

III. The creation of a public image in the political sphere. The construction of the identity of a political party.


Ms. Salomé Berrocal Gozalo (CEU San Pablo University)
Ms. Vicki Karns (Suffolk University)


Ms. Ariadna Cánovas Rivas (CEU San Pablo University)